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Just like class C creatures, Class B organisms solely perform actions that directly benefit their survival but their intelligence borders or meets that of an anim and they will willingly infiltrate under-developed or low populated areas in order to feed.


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Fig. 1- A healthy Hemoglossal

Fig.2- Visual of a Hemoglossal's feeding appendage. These tongue-like organs have a barb at the end that settles into their prey's flesh.

Fig.3- Height Ref

  • Visually similar to both vampire bats and ticks, Hemoglossals feed by restraining  their prey and then extending their long barbed tongue to pierce into the victim's flesh and draw out copious amounts of blood.

  • ​Hemoglossals are pack creatures. Each pack contains one female who acts as the matriarch and the other males work to take care of her while making sure they keep themselves fed as well. 


Fig. 4- Hemoglossal feeding

  •  When full, they take on a much rounder appearance and some of their meal can be seen through their semi-translucent belly giving them a reddish hue.

  • When hungry or starved they look very thin, dull-colored, and their eyes become sunken. Starved Screechers are prone to fits of hysteria where they will greedily attack and attempt to drain any prey in sight. (Even other Hemoglossals!)


Fig.5- Starving Hemoglossal

  • Their eyesight isn't too great, but their sense of smell and hearing is extraordinary and makes up for it.

  • Just as their name suggests, they primarily communicate to one another through various high pitched screeching sounds.


Hemoglossals possess unique abilities that contribute to their labeling as a class B creature. 

They can:

  • Create basic traps to hunt (ie. Throw up blood to attract curious prey to them)

  • Assign pack members specialized roles (Leader, Workers, Nurse, Retrievers etc.)


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Fig.1- Parasites are an extremely varied species with no set "look".

Fig.2- Average size ref

Parasites are a fairly common sight among the rich fauna that Zyterra has to offer. To survive they infiltrate the body of an organism (usually on the cusp of death) and modify their vessel's behavioral patterns to suit their needs. 

*While a vast majority of parasites would classify as Class B creatures, some of them do seem to exhibit traits that would place them in Class A. These parasites put in extra effort to develop genuine relationships with their hosts and seem to regard them as more than just a source of sustenance. More research and testing is needed to confirm this.


 There are two main types of parasites:


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Internal parasites will enter an organism through an orifice or forcefully burrow themselves inside. Common places to settle once this process is complete are the brain, liver, or intestine. Once inside, the parasite will feed on any nutrients their host have to offer, being careful not to overindulge and risk harming them. By releasing certain chemicals (Knowledge of what exactly is released is limited) The parasite can manipulate their host's cognitive and behavioral patterns to perform actions that will only benefit them. The extent of this control varies from worm to worm. 


When the time comes to bear young, the eggs will usually be laid inside the host's stomach or any other vital organ that can serve as an incubation chamber. Once hatched, the larvae will burst free and work to find their own host to inhabit. Symptoms of an internal parasite include aversion to light, frequent disturbing thoughts or urges, and unwavering hunger.


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External parasites prefer to just latch on the outside of their vessel and hang on for the ride. They typically possess some type of limb that enables them to latch onto their host's head, (i.e Pinschers, Tentacles) and plug right into their brain. Because they work from the outside of the body, they are more vulnerable than their internal counterpart so complete control of their host is VITAL.

The development of young is also different with this sect of parasite. External parasites appear to be more fungal in nature, instead releasing spores, chemicals, or even physical matter into the air that can "infect" another victim and cause another parasite to germinate within them.



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